Interview & focus group recruitment email sample

Sample template for email recruitment of known special collections users who may also be users of digital collections.

Dear [name],

My name is [name], and I’m the [position at institution]. Our records indicate that you visited [our special collections reading room]. I’m writing to ask if you would be willing to help improve our understanding of how individuals like yourself use our digital collections by participating in a [virtual or in-person] focus group/interview. Findings from this study will help us improve our [services/systems], obtain continued funding, and prioritize future materials to digitize. 

The focus group/interview will take place at [place, time] OR we will schedule the focus group/interview at a time that works well for you and other participants. It will last no longer than [length: 60 minutes, 90 minutes]. We would provide you with a [incentive: $10 gift card, etc.] to thank you for volunteering your time with us. During the discussion, we’ll ask some questions about the reasons you use our digital collections and what kinds of things you have used digital images for (research, fun, lesson planning, etc.). 

If you are interested in participating, please reply to this email or contact for additional information. We are eager to make any accommodations you might need to participate, so please share any ways we can make participation easier for you.


