Interview & focus group recording consent template

[Institution name / research project] Focus Group Recording Consent

We are conducting this focus group/interview so we can learn more about the needs and interests of [group] at [institution name].  

As a [member of target group] at [institution], you have been invited to participate in this X-minute focus group/interview. Participation is completely voluntary. 

The focus group/interview will be in order to ensure accuracy of note taking during the session.  The recordings will be kept in [describe secure location] and accessible to [specific people — describe how you will limit access to the records]. Reports of study findings will not include any identifying information, and recordings will be erased once session notes are finalized.  

Please read the statements below and sign where indicated. 

[Note: Please adjust this consent form to comply with relevant institutional policies, practices, IRB requirements, etc.]

I understand that this focus group/interview session will be .

I grant [institution name] staff permission to use recordings and/or notes for internal use only for the purpose of improving services, collections, and spaces.


Printed name: ___________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________

Date: __________________