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Joyce Chapman with brown, chin-length wavy hair wearing a blue plaid shirt. She stands in front of a brick stone wall with her body slightly angled to the left and smiling.

Joyce Chapman, Assessment

Joyce Chapman is the Assessment Analyst & Consultant at Duke University Libraries, where she plans and conducts assessment and analyzes data to evaluate operations and understand user needs. 

She previously worked as the Consultant for Data Analysis & Communication at the State Library of North Carolina, where she assisted libraries across the state with data analysis, assessment, and advocacy. Prior to that, she was the Project Manager for the large-scale digitization grant, “Content, Context, and Capacity” at the Triangle Research Libraries Network.

Joyce received her MSIS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Joyce is a co-founder of the Digital Library Federation Assessment Interest Group.

Nicole Hennig with light brown, chin-length straight hair wearing a necklace with bright blue pendant, a dark shirt with white patterns, and square eyeglasses with black frames. Trees and nature walking paths behind her.

Nicole Hennig, Instructional Design

Nicole Hennig is an e-learning developer at the University of Arizona Libraries. As a member of the Instructional Design Unit she works collaboratively with library faculty and staff to transform expert content into interactive online learning

She designed the website and created the tutorials for this project, with input and expertise from the D-CRAFT team and consultants.

She was previously head of user experience at the MIT Libraries, and is the author of several books, webinars, and online courses for librarians about using technologies to effectively meet user needs. From 2013 – 2017 she lived and worked as a digital nomad and blogs about remote work at A Location-Flexible Life. Twitter: @nic221, Mastodon:

Derrick Jefferson with very short dark and tight curly hair, and wears tortoise-rimmed glasses. He stands against white pillars in the background and facing the camera, smiling.

Derrick Jefferson, Diversity and Equity

Derrick Jefferson is an associate librarian at American University in Washington, DC. supporting the research needs of the students, staff, and faculty of the School of Communication. 

He earned his MLIS from Louisiana State University as a Project Recovery scholar, a program funded by an IMLS grant to aid in rebuilding and staffing libraries in Louisiana after the storms of 2005. 

His research interests include examining identity and diversity and inclusion issues in librarianship and higher education. He is a former American Library Association Emerging Leader and presents regularly at various conferences and colloquiums including ALA Annual, Midwinter, the Medical Library Association, Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies. 

Recent publications include contributing a chapter to “The Subject as Self: Autoethnographic Research into Identity, Culture, and Academic Librarianship”. In his spare time, he enjoys collecting records, creative writing, and making and consuming tacos.

Black & white headshot of Ranti, a Southeast Asian woman with chin-length, wavy dark & grey hair, wearing dark-rimmed square glasses and a subtle smile.

Ranti Junus, Accessibility

Ranti Junus is the systems librarian for electronic resources at Michigan State University Libraries, responsible for managing access related to e-resources collection including EZproxy, openURL, and discovery systems. She also serves as the subject liaison for Library Science collection and Museum Studies program at Michigan State University. 

She did a number of workshops and presentations on web and e-resources accessibility, and has hired and worked with students with visual disabilities reviewing library e-resources from user experience perspectives. Ranti received her MS degree in Library and Information Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Myna Morales has brown curly hair and wears dark-rimmed square glasses. She’s doing a playful pose with her index finger pointed to her dark blue shirt with text “don’t organize with people who use abuse as a tactic”. She also wears a brown-green plaid shirt as a top layer.

Myrna Morales, Privacy

Myrna E. Morales is currently running communications for the Massachusetts Coalition of Domestic Workers and a PhD candidate in Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois iSchool. She was program and Communications Director for Community Change, Inc., an organization dedicated to organizing white people to combat structural racism. She has an MA in Teaching from Brown University, an MS in Library and Information Science from Simmons College and a BA in Urban Studies from Bates College. 

She spent some years studying medicine and socialism at the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana, Cuba, and working as a public school educator in New Jersey and Boston before working in research data ethics and technology management for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England Region.

A longtime activist and organizer, Myrna fights for social change across a spectrum of different social causes. Realizing that the promotion and advocacy of privacy is a critical component to making us truly free, Myrna also works on providing anti-surveillance triage and trainings within community organizations. Her rich background in medical education, education, library and information science and community organizations has helped her understand that information is not only a tool that enables, permits and creates injustices, but a tool that can guide us towards collective liberation.


Sean Aery with very short, dark hair, mustache, and light beard around his chin and side face. He wears a deep red shirt and smiles at the camera with a head slightly tilted to the right.

Sean Aery, Web Analytics

Sean Aery is a Digital Projects Developer at Duke University Libraries, where he has worked since 2002. He is one of the primary architects of the various platforms used at Duke to curate and present digitized collections, archival materials, research data, and open access versions of scholarly output from the Duke community. 

Throughout his career, he has assisted with data collection and analysis to help inform decisions about digital library initiatives and software user interfaces. Sean received his MSIS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2007), and has a BS in Business Administration (Management Information Systems concentration) from SUNY Fredonia (2001).

Heidi Blackburn wears black winter coat, red beret, and a long white scarf loosely draped on her neck. She has long, brown wavy hair and smiles at the camera.

Heidi Blackburn, Citation Analysis

Dr. Heidi Blackburn is the Computing Librarian at George Mason University. Her research explores the status of women in STEM, particularly in higher education. She holds a Masters (2008) and a Ph.D. (2015) in Library and Information Science from Emporia State University. 

She currently serves as the Deputy Editor-in-Chief for Science & Technology Libraries and is published in Science & Technology LibrariesLibrary Hi Tech, and Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, among others.

Black & white picture of Harriett Green with a blurred building in the background. She has very short curly hair, wears a sleeveless top and smiles at the camera.

Harriett Green, Surveys

Harriett Green is Vice Dean at the University of Arizona Libraries. She previously served on the leadership team at Washington University in St. Louis Libraries, and also held positions on the faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library and School of Information Sciences.

She has published and presented widely, and her research has been supported by grants awarded from the Institute for Museum and Library Services, National Endowment for the Humanities, XSEDE, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. She earned her MSLIS from the University of Illinois’ Graduate School of Library and Information Science, and also holds a MA in Humanities/Creative Writing from the University of Chicago and a BA in History and Literature from Harvard University.

Stacy Konkiel

Stacy Konkiel, Alert Services and Altmetrics

Stacy Konkiel is co-founder of the HuMetricsHSS initiative and Metrics Toolkit. She has written extensively and spoken at conferences worldwide on the topics of altmetrics, research impact, and scientometrics. Stacy is now a senior marketing and advertising data engineer at Best Buy. Previously, she worked with teams at Altmetric, Dimensions, and Our Research (Impactstory).

Woman with shoulder lenght wavy brown hair wearing light yellow short with black and white overtop. She's smiling at the camera.

Monique Manatch, Traditional Knowledge/ Memory Keeping

Monique Manatch is a member of the Algonquins of Barriere Lake and a Knowledge Keeper. Currently, Monique is taking a docotorate program in Anthropology at Carleton University, focusing on the impact, use and creation of digital arts in the Indigenous community.

Monique became a founder and Executive Director of Indigenous Culture and Media Innovations in 2004, dedicated to the skills development of Indigenous communities through the production media and arts. She has facilitated Indigenous artists and community members throughout Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland. Currently, Monique is working on projects which outreach to the Indigenous community to discuss artistic needs and begin developing a national network.

Monique has produced several video documentaries about Indigenous issues over the past 20 years. She facilitated the production of videos and community radio programming with Kitigan Zibi Anishnabeg, Mitchikanibikok Inik (Algonquins of Barriere Lake), Muskegowuk Cree and the Indigenous community in Ottawa.

Megan Oakleaf with chin-length dark brown hair and sporting a straight bang, wearing a black suit. Her body is angled slightly to the left, smiling at the camera.

Megan Oakleaf, Focus Groups and Interviews

Megan Oakleaf is an Associate Professor of Library and Information Science in the iSchool at Syracuse University.  She is the author of The Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report, Academic Library Value: The Impact Starter Kit, Library Integration in Institutional Learning Analytics, and Connecting Libraries and Learning Analytics for Student Success and has earned recognition and awards for articles published in top library and information science journals including College and Research Libraries, Portal, Reference and User Services Quarterly, JASIST, and Journal of Documentation

Megan has presented at numerous conferences, including the American Library Association (ALA), Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), and Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE) national conferences, the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Library Assessment Conferences, the IUPUI Assessment Institute, the Texas A&M Assessment Conference, Learning Impact Leadership Institute, CNI, ELI, and EDUCAUSE. Her research areas include outcomes assessment, evidence-based decision making, information literacy instruction, and academic library impact and value.

White woman with shoulder-length, bob-style blond hair, wearing white shirt and smiling at the camera

Michele Reilly, Reverse Image Search

Dr. Michele Reilly is Professor and Digital Projects Coordinator at the University of Arkansas Libraries. Michele holds a MLS from Indiana University, Bloomington (2005) and a Ph. D. in Library and Information Science from Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany (2021).

Michele’s scholarship explores the users of digital resources and the impact that those reuses play on cultural memory organizations. Her dissertation, publications, and presentation address topics including digital library users and reuses and research data management best practices.  

Michele’s research studies have yielded a series of peer and editor-reviewed articles in high-impact publications in the field, including the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, The Journal of Web Librarianship, and the International Journal of Digital Curation.

Additionally, she has presented at some of the premier international conferences on digital repositories, including the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Open Repositories, and Libraries in the Digital Age.

Becky Yoose with her signature brown cowboy hat in front of a sun-lit glass window, wearing thin-rimmed glasses and green-grey safari shirt. Her face is angled toward the right.

Becky Yoose, Data Privacy

Becky Yoose is the founder of and Library Data Privacy Consultant for LDH Consulting Services, a consultancy that helps libraries and vendors navigate the intersection of library data and privacy. 

For over a decade Becky has wrangled library data in its various forms in academic and public libraries. She received her MA-LIS from University of Wisconsin – Madison in 2008, and is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/US) with the International Association of Privacy Professionals.

Scot Young with short, dark hair, thick mustache and full beard with some gray hair streaks on the chin, wearing tortoise-rimmed glasses. His face is tilted slightly to the left with a subtle smile toward the camera.

Scott Young, User Privacy

Scott W. H. Young is an associate professor and User Experience & Assessment Librarian at Montana State University in Bozeman, the traditional hunting grounds of the Apsáalooke (Crow), Niitsítapi (Blackfeet), and many other Indigenous nations. His work focuses on the co-design and assessment of information services, with related interests in professional ethics. 

He holds an MA in Archives and Public History from New York University and an MS in Library and Information Science from the Palmer School at Long Island University, and he’s an editor of Weave: Journal of Library User Experience.