Project Team

Santi Thompson has bright blue eyes and short, straight light brown hair, and a subtle smile, wearing a blue plaid shirt.

Santi Thompson

Santi Thompson, Associate Dean for Research and Student Engagement and the Eva Digital Research Endowed Library Professor at the University of Houston (UH), serves as Primary Investigator for the grant. At UH Santi leads a portfolio of five departments: Health Sciences Libraries, Information & Access Services, Open Education Services, Research Services, and Teaching & Learning.

He publishes on the assessment of digital repository metadata, software, and content reuse. Santi is currently the co-facilitator of the Digital Library Federation Assessment Interest Group. Twitter: @SantiThompson

Elizabeth Kelly with short, wavy red hair in front of shelves of tan-colored boxes, wearing a salmon shirt. Her body is angled slightly to the right, smiling at the camera.

Elizabeth Kelly​

Elizabeth Kelly is the Library Web and Applications Development Administrator at LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network.

Her primary responsibilities include managing the consortia’s web presence, customizing user interfaces and search tools, analyzing usage data, and creating data visualizations to communicate assessment results and inform evidence-based decision-making.

Kelly publishes and presents on archives, digital library assessment, and library pedagogy, and co-founded  the DLF Digital Library Pedagogy group. Twitter: @ElizabethJelly

Ayla Stein Kenfield with ear-length dark curly hair, wearing sleeveless dark top and thin necklace against a colorful background. Her body is angled toward the left, smiling at the camera. A cutie.

Ayla Stein Kenfield​

Ayla Stein Kenfield, Repository Services Librarian and Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), leads IDEALS, the University’s institutional repository program, and coordinates between the Library’s other digital repositories: the Illinois Data Bank, Illinois Digital Collections, and the Medusa preservation repository. 

She has published and presented on digital repository assessment, metadata development for data repositories, and digital library system migration. 

Her research interests include digital repositories; metadata and linked data; and the intersections of library technology with critical librarianship. Twitter: @TheStacksCat

Ali Shiri has short, back hair and wears a dark pink shirt with cream-colored coat. He smiles at the camera.

Ali Shiri

Ali Shiri is a Professor at the School of Library and Information Studies and Vice Dean in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. 

He completed his PhD in information science at the University of Strathclyde, Department of Computer and Information Sciences in Glasgow, Scotland. Ali previously worked as a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Digital Library Research (CDLR) in the University of Strathclyde. 

Currently, he teaches graduate courses in the areas of digital libraries and digital information organization and retrieval. His research areas centre on digital libraries, search user interfaces, user interaction with digital information, and metadata and learning analytics. 

From 2009-2011, Ali completed a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)-funded project, developing multilingual visual search interfaces for the UNESCO digital library. 

His current SSHRC-funded research project, titled Digital Library North: Creating a Path for Information Access in Canada’s North, focuses on the development of a digital library infrastructure in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the Western Arctic to address the information needs of northern communities and to provide a digital platform for cultural heritage access and preservation. Twitter: @AliShiri3

Liz Woolcott with long straight hair facing the camera, smiling. She is outdoors with leaves in the background.

Liz Woolcott

Liz Woolcott, Head of Cataloging and Metadata Services at Utah State University, manages the MARC and non-MARC metadata creation of the University Libraries and is the co-founder of the Library Workflow Exchange. 

She publishes and presents on workflow and assessment strategies for library technical services, innovative collaboration models, the impact of organizational structures on library work, creating strategic partnerships for libraries, and building consortial consensus for metadata standards. Twitter:  @LizWoolcott


Kinza Masood with long, dark hair against a colorful background. Her face is angled toward the right side and smiling.

Kinza Masood

Kinza Masood, Director, Mountain West Digital Library (MWDL), University of Utah, engages with member repositories to aggregate and host content through a searchable portal on the MWDL website.  She also conducts research and collaborates with partner institutions around the Mountain West region to improve and develop digital library infrastructure and workflows.

Caroline Muglia with shoulder length, dark wavy hair, wearing brown-rimmed glasses and dark blue wind jacket. She stands straight and smiles at the camera. Trees and nature walking paths behind her.

Caroline Muglia

Caroline Muglia, Co-Associate Dean for Collections; Head of Resource Sharing at the University of Southern California (USC), oversees the strategy and budget of the Collections Division including Technical Services, Collection Management, and the Interlibrary Loan program. She also leads the qualitative and quantitative collection assessment efforts for the Libraries. 

 She teaches the Collection Development and Management course through USC’s Marshall School of Business and the Masters of Management in Library and Information Science program.