Project History


Members of the D-CRAFT Project Team and Consultants have been focused on understanding content reuse assessment needs, barriers, and benefits since the release of Surveying the Landscape: Use and Usability Assessment of Digital Libraries (hereafter, Surveying the Landscape). This whitepaper outlined the challenges institutions face in assessing digital repository usability, return on investment, and content reuse. When addressing content reuse, Surveying the Landscape concluded that the development of a reuse assessment framework was a critical next step in making the process more accessible to GLAMR practitioners (Chapman et al., 2015).

Building on the results of Surveying the Landscape, members of the Digital Library Federation (DLF) Assessment Interest Group (AIG) Reuse Working Group were successfully awarded an IMLS National Leadership grant to conduct a formal needs assessment to determine criteria for an assessment framework. From July 1, 2017
to June 30, 2018, the IMLS-funded “Developing a Framework for Measuring Reuse of Digital Objects” (LG-73-17-0002-17) (hereafter, Measuring Reuse) project conducted surveys, focus-groups, and research to identify desired functionality for a future reuse assessment toolkit. The project concluded with a next step of building an assessment toolkit (which would become D-CRAFT) to compile available resources, best practices, and use cases for studying the reuse of digital assets held by GLAMR organizations (Kelly et al., 2018).

Measuring Reuse grant funding

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services

Measuring Reuse project deliverables

Final report

In September 2018 the project team released Setting a Foundation for Assessing Content Reuse: A White Paper From the Developing a Framework for Measuring Reuse of Digital Objects. (DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/BQJVR).

This white paper

  • provides a broad overview of the Measuring Reuse project, including background information on the AIG
  • outlines the methods used by the project team and summarizes results
  • discusses potential next steps.

The permanent repository for all final project deliverables is the team’s Open Science Framework project repository, “Developing a Framework for Measuring Reuse of Digital Objects.”

Project proposal

Both the Preliminary Proposal and the Full Proposal are available on the IMLS website. (Please note, some information has been redacted from this version of the full proposal in order to protect personally identifying information.)


Chapman, J., DeRidder, J., Hurst, M., Kelly, E.J., Kyrillidou, M., Muglia, C., O’Gara, G., Stein,
A., Thompson, S., Trent, R., Woolcott, L., & Zhang, T. (2015). Surveying the landscape: use and usability assessment of digital libraries. Digital Library Federation Assessment Interest Group, User Studies Working Group.

Kelly, E. J., Kenfield, A.S., O’Gara, G., Muglia, C., Thompson, S., & Woolcott, L. (2018). Setting a foundation for assessing content reuse: a white paper from the developing a framework for measuring reuse of digital objects project. Digital Library Federation Assessment Interest Group, Content Reuse Working Group.