Analytics, Altmetrics, and Reuse Twitter Chat — April 25

Members of the the Digital Library Federation Assessment Interest Group’s (DLF AIG) Working Group on Reuse and the Library Information Technology Association (LITA) Altmetrics and Digital Analytics Interest Group are excited to announce the upcoming “Analytics, Altmetrics, and Reuse Twitter Chat” on Wednesday, April 25 from 2:00 p.m EST to approximately 3:00 p.m. EST.  The chat will engage participants in discussing the numerous approaches and barriers to reuse analysis in digital libraries.

Below you will find important information about the Twitter Chat, background content for participating in the conversation, and the questions to be explored during the chat.

Twitter Chat Planning Document:

Hashtags: #dlfaig, #digreuse

Context/additional information:


Reuse: The DLF AIG Reuse Working Group defines reuse as how often and in what ways digital library materials are utilized and repurposed. In this definition, we do know the context of the use. This definition is fluid and open to change.

Examples of reuse: turning images into gifs or memes; inclusion of digital collection materials in an external dataset (e.g. HTRC datasets or curated Internet Archive user collections); mashups of two or more songs or video; data visualizations; other transformative applications of the collections external to digital collections systems

Examples of reuse assessment: reverse image lookup information; citation metrics of data and/or digital collection materials


Q1: How would you define #altmetrics and digital #analytics? #dlfaig #dlfreuse

Q2: Do you agree or disagree with the reuse definition: #dlfaig #digreuse

Q3. Is reuse measured at your institution? If so, how? #dlfaig #digreuse #datareuse

Q4: What reuse assessment data would be helpful to collect? Some potential examples might include collecting campaign URLs or identifiers, patron requests/surveys, etc? #dlfaig #digreuse

Q5. What are common tools used to collect and analyze reuse assessment data? #dlfaig #digreuse

Q6: What do you do with this assessment data? How do you communicate the results of your analysis? #dlfaig #digreuse

Q7: What assessment standards are used? What limitations exist with those standards? #dlfaig #digreuse

Q8: What topics would you like to see in a future conversation around reuse assessment data collection and analysis? #dlfaig #digreuse

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